5 Winter Tech Tips

Nov 3, 2020


Winter is approaching, and it’s important to keep your devices safe. Without proper care, harsh winters may cause damage to your technology. Technology is expensive, so here are some tips to help make it last longer in the cold winters.

Carry a Spare Charger

  • The cold can drain the battery life from your devices faster; we recommend carrying an extra charger with you.

Warm-up your Cold Gadgets

  • Let your electronics warm up to room temperature if they are exposed to weather lower than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Your devices may not boot up properly if it’s too cold.

Keep Your Screens Protected

  • The cold may cause screens to freeze or become more brittle, therefore we recommend keeping a protective case and screen protector on your devices.

Keep Your Device Protected

  • It’s best to keep your device protected from harsh winds and snow to prevent it from freezing. When playing in the snow, walking outside, snowboarding, or any outdoor activity, try to keep your device in a backpack or pocket.

Keep Devices Inside

  • Don’t leave your devices in your car or patio for long periods in the winters; this can cause permanent damage to your device.



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