A New Day A New Device

3 min readJun 18, 2021


The Year is 2021, we haven’t touched a VHS tape in a decade, and we are on iPhone #12. As time progresses so does the variety of devices that we use in our life. Many wonder “haven’t we already invented enough?” but the world of technology continues to break more barriers. This Summer we take a look at what’s new and trending! Here are some of the newest devices that you may not know about:

  • Popl
  • Just met a new friend? Potential client? Need to contact them but don’t want to share your number? With Popl you can just tap your phones together and share your social media, email, and more!
  • https://popl.co/
  • Can’t find your house key? Oh wait, it’s implanted in your hand!
  • Yes, people now have the option to get an RFID implant in their hand that allows them to easily open doors ,cabinets, save files, and even put your business card on it!
  • https://medicalfuturist.com/rfid-implant-chip/
  • Have you ever been late to work and left your lunch at home? On a special diet? No worries, there are now salad vending machines!
  • That’s right, the new Sally salad machine allows you to customize your very own salad, and all of the ingredients are fresh!
  • https://youtu.be/XdhZnP10n6A

Now that you have seen them, will you end up using these devices? Is this technology too “invasive” or just plain “odd”? We’d love to learn more about this from the perspective of the users.

