Midterms can feel chaotic! In the middle of the semester, students will scramble to collect their messy notes, attempting to organize them in order to study before they have their first round of testing. Each student has their own individual style and many need assistance through different resources. Some stick with the classic ways of studying while others branch out, using new tools available online. Today we will be showing some of those new tools and how you can use them to ace those exams.
When you are in need of flashcards or practice tests that offer fill-in-the-blanks or multiple-choice questions, Quizlet has you covered. Quizlet is a free website and app that has features like these available to all students. The best part about Quizlet is that any student can “make a class” and add all sets of their flashcards and make it available for other classmates to study as well. Quizlet is the perfect community to embrace during the stressful testing season.
2.Microsoft Teams
Need to keep track of your testing schedules while also organizing your notes for that same class all in one place? Check out Microsoft teams. Microsoft Teams is your own personal agenda and calendar where you can make a task bucket and include all of your information under one category. This app can be downloaded onto your phone or accessed through a browser.
3.My Study Life
Speaking of organization, we have another great app for those students that love to keep things nice and tidy. My Study Life is the perfect application to use to organize your testing schedules and to have throughout your entire duration of college. Click here to take a tour!
4.Scanner Pro
Is your entire backpack filled with notes? Sometimes you want to study in different environments but it’s hard to carry around the clutter in your backpack. Use Scanner Pro To scan all of your notes into a PDF that way you can carry them at ease on your phone and refer to them whenever you need them. The PDF that you create can be sent to “Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, iCloud, and One Drive, or you can save them on your IOS device”.
Hopefully, some of these apps will help expand your horizons when organizing your study habits. Good luck with testing and Go Jacks!