NAU Security Team Cyber Security Training

2 min readSep 30, 2020


Northern Arizona University will take every opportunity to keep the campus, students, faculty and staff safe. That is why the Security Team here at NAU ITS has developed a training exercise to inform the Lumberjack community about how to be a safe and responsible digital citizen. This training, though required for all employees of NAU, is also available to students so we highly recommend students take the training to better understand the dangers of the cyber world.

This training outlines several key aspects of properly protecting yourself when connecting to networks that may be unsafe.

Information Security

NAU collects and stores countless amounts of information. Information security helps the university ensure the integrity, availability, and security of the mass amounts of information collected. The information stored is properly protected and access is only given to authorized users with legal eligibility.

Account Security

As a student and/or employee, you have access to your personal data. Your NAU email address contains sensitive information that could jeopardize the integrity of both NAU and yourself. You should take every precaution to ensure the safety of your personal information and the information of the university.

Device Security

Your devices contain files, passwords, emails, bank accounts, and sensitive personal data, so why not take necessary steps to protect it? Using your computer with safety in mind is a huge step towards a safe environment. The training will outline the necessary steps you need to take so your information is protected.

Phishing Scams

Not familiar with phishing scams? The Security Team at NAU has dedicated a portion of their training exercise to outlining every concern involved in phishing. From the purpose of phishing scams, to how to spot a phishing email, the team outlines every component and safety steps of phishing.

Here at ITS, we highly recommend any student, faculty and staff take this training so that they can understand the importance of cyber security and all the available resources that can help prevent an attack.

Access to the training is available to students and employees of NAU. More information can be found in the link below!



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