Flowers are blooming, and so will your grades. Take advantage of new beginnings to declutter and finish the semester strong. At times we may feel that we do not have much control over our surroundings, but decluttering and cleaning is a way to give us a sense of control back. Having clutter is bad for your physical and mental health, so we’re here with some tips on getting your cleaning journey started.
Check your Energy
- Before you start cleaning check to see how much energy you have for tasks you need to tackle.
- If you have high energy in the morning then that’s the time you should try to clean something more time consuming.
- If you are having a low energy day but you still want to be productive, then do something that requires little effort.
Donate Clothes You Don’t Use
- There are certain clothing items that you haven’t used in years and may never use again, which means that it’s time to get rid of them.
- Keep items that are a little more expensive such as suits or professional clothing even if you don’t wear them everyday because those are good staple pieces. Those will come in handy in the future without having to spend big bucks again.
- Get rid of statement pieces that you swear you’ll wear but never do.
Clean your Desk
- Start a filing system where you can keep your notebooks, textbooks, and folders organized. Get rid of any junk that you don’t use such as old receipts, gum wrappers, and inkless pens.
Organize the Bathroom
- People will spend so much time in their bathrooms, so making sure that they’re clean and organized will make life much easier. People will spend an average of 23–29 mins in the bathroom everyday. Make a schedule to clean the bathroom one a week where you can scrub the toilet, clean countertops, wipe the mirrors, and take out the trash. This will leave more space to easily access things you need on a daily basis.
Organize your kitchen
- Get rid of moldy or expired foods that might be sitting in your refrigerator and pantry. Organize everything in a way where you can see them. This way less food goes to waste, you save space, and you save more money by ensuring that you eat the foods you buy.
- Organize your pots, pans, dishes, and utensils so that they are easily accessible. Once you organize them they will each have designated space to keep them organized. This will save a lot of time normally spent looking for coffee mugs in the morning.